

Coronavirus symptoms and safety tips:The Ultimate instructions guide on pandemic time


What are the symptoms of corona virus? How can you protect yourself ? and Answer Of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) .


A new virus caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome -related Coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) first outbreak in China, Whuan city in December 2019 is called Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) which has developed into a pandemic. 

   Coronavirus affects the daily lifestyle of people. It is the world's gravest public health crisis of the 21st century & a big health issue of today's date. 

   If you have  confused about Covid -19 symptoms and how to be safe from it, then this article will be definitely helpful for you. Here, I will also  give the answers of Frequently Asked Questions about Covid -19 pandemic. So let's start  !!

     Tables of Contents 

  1.What are the symptoms of corona virus disease ?

  •      The list of first stage symptoms of corona virus.

  •   The researchers point of view & facts 
  •   Conclusion of symptoms .

    2How can you protect yourself from Coronavirus?

  •    Coronavirus prevention tips .
  •   What to do if you think you have it.

  •   Covid-19 preparation tips.

  •   How can you help to stop the spread of COVID-19 ?

  •   What are the Corona virus risk factors ? 


  3. The Answer Of Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQs)  - relating to the COVID -19.

  • How do I know it's COVID -19, a cold or flu? 
  • Is it safe to travel during the pandemic time? 
  • Can a face mask protect you from infection? 
  • How does the Coronavirus spread? 

    First Chapter: 

What are the symptoms of corona virus disease?  

  • The list of three first stage     of symptoms of coronavirus, that people should be aware and ready to act upon.  


1. A new continues cough :

where you cough a lot for more than an hour or have three or more coughing times in 24 hours. 

2. Fever : where your temperature more than 37.8  degree Celsius ( High). 

  3. Loss of smell or taste :  loss smell or taste because of continues cough. 

   Breathing difficulties : Breathing difficulties is another symptoms of corona virus. 

  Note : Only this list doesn't include all symptoms of COVID-19 . These are the common symptoms of coronavirus and I will tell you other symptoms at below section. If you ,or someone live with has any of these symptoms, the advice is #stay at home , be safe and stop the risk of giving Coronavirus to others. 

  •    The researchers point of view and facts  :

1.The US centers of Disease control and research centers also included the following symptoms as corona virus   symptoms :-

  •   Chills 
  •    Repeated shaking and .
  •  Muscle pain. 
  •  Sore throat. 
  •  Nausea or vomiting .
  •  Diarrhoea. 

    2. The UK researchers think that " vomiting " , "diarrhoea" and "abdominal cramps"  could be a sign of coronavirus infection in children. 

  3.The World Health Organization (WHO)  says that it takes five days on average to start showing the symptoms but some people will get them much later,  it can take up to 14 days. 

   4. The researchers found that since the early of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Case Fatality Ratio (CFR)  has been around 2% to 4%. This is much lower CFR thank those seen for SARS and MERS ,which  are around 10% and 35%, respectively. 


  •     Conclusion of symptoms 

  Here are the short list of corona virus symptoms, according to researchers in China.  They are :

  1.     Fever :- 99%
  2.    Coughing  :- 59%
  3.    Shortness of breath :- 31%
  4.    Body aches :-  35%
  5.    Mucus :-  27%
  6.   Fatigue :-  70%
  7.   Lack of appetite :- 40%


      Second Chapter :

 How can you protect yourself from corona virus? 

  In this section you"ll know how to protect yourself, what to do if you think you have it, How can you help to stop the spread of COVID-19, What are the Coronavirus preparation tips and What are the Coronavirus risks factors?   So let's begin! 

  Coronavirus prevention tips  :-


  1.  Wash your hands often with soap and water.
  2.   Clean your hand with an alcohol- based sanitizer. This kills viruses on your hand. 
  4.  Cover your nose and mouth in public. 

  5.   Avoid large events and mass gatherings.

  6.  Avoid close contact(within about 6feet or 2m) with anyone who is sick or has symptoms. 

  7. #Stay at home as much as possible and keep distance between yourself and others (2m) : especially if you have a higher risk of serious illness. keep in mind some people may have COVID-19 and spread it others, even if they don't have symptoms or don't know they have COVID-19 .

  8.  Practice social distancing :
  9. Because you can have and spread without knowing it and you may be influenced by other people. 

  10.  Avoid touch your eyes,  nose and mouth. 

  11.  Avoid sharing dishes, towels,  glasses, bedding and other household items if you're sick. 

  12.   Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces such as door,light switches,  electronics and counters, daily. 
  14. Avoid public transportati-on, taxis and ride sharing if you're sick.

  What to do if you think you have it? 

  If you think you don't feel well,  live in or have traveled to an area where COVID -19 spreading . Then do these following steps :- 

  •   Don't be afraid : First things, you need to do that "Don't be afraid". Stay at home and be safe, take a medical rest. Nothing is important than your health.

  •   If you don't feel well stay at home :  Even if you have a mild symptoms like a normal fever, runny nose and headache, #stay at home until you're better. This let's doctors focus on people who are more seriously ill and protects health care workers and people you might meet along the way. You might hear this called «self-quarantine.»

  •  For mild symptoms use organic and homemade treatment & medicine if it's possible: Homemade treatments means the things to do at home during sicknesses - like = take bedrest , drinking pure water, wash your hands with soap or sanitizer and water, use homemade medicines etc. At that time, try to stay in a separate room away from other people in your home. Use a separate bathroom if you can. 
  •  Call the doctor if you have trouble breathing : You need to get medical help as soon as possible. Calling ahead (rather than showing up) will let the doctor direct you to the proper place, which may not be your doctors office. If you don't have a regular doctor then call your local board of health. They can tell you where to go for testing and treatment .
  •  Follow your doctors advice and keep up with new on COVID -19:Between the your doctor and healthcare authorities, you will get the care you need and information on how to prevent the virus from spreading. 


What are the Coronavirus risks factors ?   

If you have the following health condition then you also have a higher chance of serious illness :- 

  1.  Chronic kidney disease. 
  2.  Chronic Obstructive Disease (COPD). 
  3.  Sickle cell disease. 
  4.  Obesity .
  5.  Types 2 diabetes. 
  6.  A weakened immune system because of an organ transplant. 
  7.  Serious heart conditions such as heart failure or coronary artery disease. 

Others factors : that could lead to serve COVID -19:-

  1.  Liver disease.
  2.  Dementia.
  3.  Brain and nervous systems conditions. 
  4.  Asthma. 
  5.  High Blood Pressure (BP). 
  6.  Weakened immune system from bone marrow transplant, HIV or some. 
  7.  Thalassemia 
  8.  Pregnancy.
  9.  Type 1 diabetes.  

Note :  These are the risks factors of corona virus which means there's a necessity of an extra awareness & protection for those who have that types of serious illness compared to others. So that i strongly suggest that #stay at home as much as possible, get regular medicine treatment and follow the instructions & advice of doctor's .

  COVID-19 preparation tips:

1. Meet as a household or larger family talks about who needs what. 

2. Talk to your neighbors about emergency planning and join your neighborhood chat group or website to stay in touch. 

3. Find community aid organization that can help with health care, food delivery and other supplies. 

4. Keep in touch with social media and COVID-19 news. 

5. Make an emergency contact list. Include family, friends, neighbors, carpool, drivers, doctors, teachers, employer's and the local health department. 

6. Planning for home works and online working. 

7. Reach out friends or family if you live alone. Make plans for them to check on you by phone, email or video chat. 

8. If you have people at higher risk, ask their doctor what to do. 

9. Choose a room where you can keep someone who's  sick or who's been exposed separate from the rest of you .

  How can you help to stop the spread of COVID-19 ?

  Stooping the spread of COVID-19 is ours social responsibility. You can help to people by sharing your knowledge & giving advise. Which helps to stop the spread of corona virus. 

  You can do this tasks for stopping the spread of corona virus :-

≈  Social distancing or physical distancing : Keeping distance between yourself and others, when you're going to public places. 

≈ Quarantine : Keeping someone home and separated from other people if they might have been exposed to the virus. 

≈ Isolation : Keeping sick people away from healthy people , including using a separate sick bedroom and bathroom. 

≈ Be sharing information: If you share the basic information for those who doesn't know about Overview of COVID -19 then this is helps to stop the spread of Coronavirus. 

        Third chapter 

 The Answer of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - relating to COVID-19.

  People have a lots of doubt during pandemic. They searched questions like :- What is COVID -19 ? How does the  corona virus spread?  How do I know it's COVID -19, a cold or flu  ? Is it safe to travel during a pandemic time  ? Can a vaccination strategy be developed?  Can a face mask protect from infection  ? & many others. So that, here I'll submit some FAQs Answer which gives you clarity more and help to clarify your doubts. 

So let's start!! 

1. How do I know it's COVID-19,a cold or flu? 

  COVID -19 and influenza (flu)  are both the similar symptoms cateogry disease that is contagious respiratory illness. So that people are confused about symptoms of COVID -19 ,a cold or flu. COVID-19 caused by infection with influenza viruses. 

2. Is it safe to travel during a pandemic time? 

   World Health Organization (WHO)  doesn't get permission for travelling internationally. Because of crowded places can raise your chance of getting COVID -19. But if you are planning to travel in own country then first check CDC and WHO websites for updates and advice. 

   Before!  You're planning to travel consider about the following few questions which help you to decide weather its safe to travel or not :-

  • Is the Coronavirus spreading where you're going? 
  • Are you at higher risk of severe illness if you catch the virus? 
  • Will the place where you'll be staying #be safe and cleaned? 
  • Do you live with someone who has serious medical condition? 
  • Will you have access food and other necessities things? 
  • Will you have close contacts with other people during the trip? 

  Note : If you decide to go travel, wear a cloth masks, wash your hands properly, stay away from sick people and trying to be safe. 

3. How does the Coronavirus virus spread? 

 A new corona virus called SARS-CoV-2 spread mainly from person to person. Most of the time it spreads when a sick person coughs or sneezes. They can spray droplets as far as 6ft away. If you breathe them in or sallow them, the virus can get into our body. 

   Some people who have the virus don't have symptoms, but they can still spread the virus. You can also get the virus from touching a surface or object the virus is on, then touching your mouth, nose or possibly your eyes. Most viruses can live for a several hours on a surface that they shift on. 

  A study shows that COVID-19 can last several hours on a various types of surface, like :-

  Plastic or Stainless Steel :2 to 3 days .

Copper : 4 hours. 

Cardboard : up-to 24 hours. 

 4.  Can a face mask protect you from infection? 

The CDC and WHO  recommends that you wear a cloth face masks if you go out in public. This is an added layer of protection for anyone, on top of social distancing -efforts. You can spread the virus when you have talk or cough, even if you don't know that you have it or if you aren't showing signs of infection. 

" Surgical masks and N95 masks should be reserved for health care workers and first responders",CDC says. 

At the last!! 

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. "  - Mahatma Gandhi 

So that take care yourself, #stay at home and be safe ❤

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